Applying eye makeup correctly is one of the most important steps in any cosmetic routine. It is often said that the eyes "are the windows to the soul". They are what others notice first and greatly influence how youthful and vibrant people appear. So, if you have been wearing the same boring eye makeup for years or avoiding this routine completely, it is now time to step up your makeup game and discover the perfect color to get heads turning. Thankfully, there is a formula when it comes to identifying your eyeshadow match and all it requires is that women learn what range of shades are best for their pretty peepers. The huge array of color options available today makes it easier than ever before to achieve the perfect look and have plenty of exciting potential combinations to sample for day and night. A few minutes is all it will take to discover your perfect eyeshadow pallet and become the eye-catching diva you were always meant to be.
Make the Most of Medium Brown Eyes
The owners of light to medium brown eyes are some of the luckiest ladies around. They have the advantage of a universally common eye color that works wonderfully with an amazing range of shades. Brown is a mix of primary colors, so the myriad of color options available to use makes it easy to keep the look fresh and exciting. Rust, copper and terracotta work beautifully with these shades of brown eyes. They are subdued without being boring and are perfect for work or casual wear. When something a little more exciting or dramatic is needed consider more vibrant colors like electric blue or a shocking purple. Makeup artist Emily Kate Warren gave her expert opinion on accentuating brown eyes with an unexpected jolt of color. “An electric shade really makes brown eyes pop. I just love the contrast.”
If sizzling colors are a little too dramatic it is also easy to find a mid-ground between mild and wild with a pretty plum shade. Another great nighttime look is metallic gold. Some women love how it makes their eyes shine and others dislike its tendency to highlight the lighter tones in their eye and create too much of a yellowish hue. Experiment a little with all of these recommendations to discover what works best for your shade of brown.

Enhance the Deepest Chocolate
Dark brown eye colors are exotic and deep. Stunning eye color like this requires something extra special to bring out the best in them. Deep browns with golden flecks or royal purples will enhance the depth of the eye color and can be swept over the lid for an instantly smoky effect. Make the eyes pop by using a contrasting color like pink or silver. These unexpected colors are perfect for framing dark eyes and making them the star of the show. When it is time to be a little less conservative consider using metallics, especially gold because it also helps to accentuate any gold highlights in the eyes as it does with light and medium brown eyes. Teal or turquoise are additional color options that are flattering when used with dark brown eyes.

Create Mysterious Black Eyes
Black eyes have amazing depth and a mysterious look. They are less common than shades of brown and this makes them a feature that women should want to show off. Black eyes look great with almost any shade of eye makeup. Perfect the nude look (think Kim Kardashian)to create a striking yet naturally beautiful eye that will capture the attention of everyone. Bright colors, metallics and bold and shocking shades like the teal and turquoise that were suggested for brown eyes will also work with black. Even hard to wear colors like yellow and orange are acceptable. Experiment with a variety of shades to find your perfect signature look.

Encourage Some Green Envy
Green eyes may be the most difficult to match with accentuating eyeshades but there is no reason to despair. As the least common eye color, it is important for women to embrace their uniqueness and make their eyes glow. There is a lot of mixed information about the best makeup for green eyes, but taupe really is a green-eyed girl’s best friend. Natural shades like taupe provide a flattering base for green eyes that will bring out their stunning color and the warm undertones will flatter them perfectly. This is a great go-to option for daily use. Boost the drama for nighttime with a sparkling silver metallic eyeshadow or add some dark plum for a shockingly vibrant finish and to boost the glamor factor. Glittery green shadows also have the power to enhance green eyes.

Heat up Those Hazels
“Hazel eyes are the middle ground between brown and green, which means you can pull off shades from both color families.” - This great news is brought to you by LA-based makeup artist Matthew VanLeeuwen.
The lucky owners of hazel eyes can choose their eyeshadow from either the brown or green palette successfully since these eyes are a mix of those two shades. The coppers and tan shades that work so well with brown eyes will also flatter hazel ones equally and help to draw attention to the darker tones in the eye. Natural eyeshadow colors like tan and taupe as well as sparkly silvers and greens will lighten things up a bit and make hazel eyes stand out. These choices accentuate the green hue in the eye for a brighter look. Light creamy shades and even forest green will additionally highlight hazel eyes. There are endless possibilities for experimentation, so shop for a large 50-color palette and start experimenting.

Deepen Your Baby Blues
There are a number of makeup options for blue eyes that will help bring out the vividness of the tone, whether the eyes are a sky blue or a deeper navy. Blue eyeshadow has the power to either intensify the deepness of blue eyes or match too closely with the eye and cause the exact opposite of what was intended. To prevent losing the boldness and shape of the eye behind too much blue shadow it is important to add other colors along with the blue. A burgundy shade is perfect for preventing a washout of the blues and is also appealing all on its own. The same rule is true wearing green eyeshadow with blue eyes. Makeup experts suggest adding a little gray or amber eyeliner with the green to provide better definition and balance. All of these combinations are guaranteed to intensify blue eye color and make them sparkle like never before. Taupe, plum and champagne are additional color options that are softer in appearance but still help to make blue eyes pop.

The best way to find the right look is to purchase eyeshadow palettes that include all of the shades mentioned for your eye color and do a little experimenting. Many women are surprised at how much easier it is to get the look they have been striving for when they are using the right color or mix of colors. Also, do not toss out broken makeup or blend it with something else and ruin the perfect shade. Instead, purchase the FIXY makeup repair kit and make the most of your investment. Read more at our FIXY makeup repair kit blog.