Halloween is the best time to get creative with makeup and we are always amazed by the incredible ideas this time of year. After spending way too much time on Instagram we narrowed it down to 6 looks to try this Halloween or to just be super jealous of. Below are a few of the most interesting spooky and sexy looks of the season. Feel free to comment with which one is your favorite look and if you think you could create a look like this. Or if you have a look that you think should be on this list, please let us know. We love this time of year. There's nothing better than self expression and these looks have us in amazement.
The Pearl Skull
Erick Gerson - @erickmakeup

Erick is an award-winning bridal makeup artist out of Grand Rapids, Michigan. He's so sought after that he even offers Pro makeup classes to help those early in their careers to the most seasoned makeup artists. He also offers virtual makeup lessons, which provide an in-depth 45 minute lesson to help you improve your routine at home. His creativity mesmerizes us during the Halloween season and we always look forward to seeing his creations. This latest look is so complex and shows the range of his talent. This is a look that you could try aspects of it and if you really want to improve your skills then book some time with him. Make sure you check him out @erickmakeup.
Pearl Skull
Nicole @Nicolelomastro

Nicole is an amazing makeup artist from Wilmington, NC and we can't get enough of her Halloween looks. This is just one of many so you definitely have to check out her mesmerizing looks. Her work is so unique and shows such attention to detail. The symmetry she creates is unbelievable. This look is definitely complex, but it's all about exploring your own creativity so try to recreate aspects of it or start with another look she has done and make your own interpretation of it. There are countless looks on her Instagram page so please check her out @Nicolelomastro.
Spider Eye
Samatha Harvey hails from Edinburgh, UK and is a name to remember when it comes to up and coming makeup artists to watch out for. She makes stunning looks with impeccable lines like the one pictured here. This look would be fun to try to recreate, but you better bring your A-game and a steady hand to the table. We can't wait to see what Samatha creates next and you should too. Don't forget to follow her @makeupbysamanthaharvey to see what comes next.
Jack O' Lantern
Kelsey Cole @cakedbykelsey

Kelsey Cole is from Boston, MA and we can't stop thinking about the fact that she is self taught. Her work is surreal at times and you really have to focus to see just how insanely talented she is. This look really stood out to us and required much more than a double take. Seriously, take another look and see what else you notice. Her ability to create illusion and seamless lines is pretty mind-blowing. If anyone can recreate this look we definitely want to meet you. If you like this look you definitely need to see all the other incredible makeup looks she's done. You can find her @cakedbykelsey.
Cat Woman
Monica Alves - @monicarosemua

We love makeup addicts and we love this look from Monica Alves. We are note sure how she creates such amazing and symmetrical lines, but it's time to find out. Monica loves sharing her techniques and has created some mind-opening tutorials. She even has multiple Halloween specific tutorials and she shares some of her unique techniques that you can try for yourself. We love when makeup artists share so much amazing content that anyone can learn from. Start by checking her out @monicarosemua and then go from there!
Coraline Hands
Ella Frank Simkins - @ella_ess_